
Human Rights Policy


Human Rights Policy

Human Rights Policy of Yamada Electric Ind. Co., Ltd.

We recognize that our corporate activities may impact human rights, and we are committed to fulfilling our responsibility to respect the human rights of all those involved in our business.

Basic Stance on Human Rights

We respect international norms on human rights such as; the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact, etc.
Where there is a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and national or regional laws and regulations, we will pursue ways to respect international human rights principles.

Scope of Application

This policy applies to all directors and employees of the YAMADA Group.
We also expect our customers, suppliers, employees, local communities, and all other stakeholders in our business activities to comply with this policy.

Promotion Structure

Based on the Basic Sustainability Policy, the General Manager of the Administration Division and the General Manager of the General Affairs Department at the head office are responsible for implementation, we will establish a system for promoting business activities that respect human rights. For each group site, the Management Headquarters will ensure that the policy is thoroughly communicated to each plant via the GM (plant manager).

Human Rights Due Diligence

In accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we will establish a human rights due diligence mechanism to identify and avoid or mitigate adverse human rights impacts.
If it becomes clear that our business activities are causing or encouraging human rights violations, we will take appropriate measures to remedy the situation. In addition, if our products or services are directly involved in human rights violations due to our business relationships, we will work to avoid or mitigate the impact of such violations.

Education and Training (career management)

In order to effectively implement this policy, we will regularly provide education and training to our directors and employees.

<Appointing Operation Director>

In order to thoroughly implement this policy, we have appointed the manager of General Affairs in Head Quarter as the person in charge of employee education, and will deploy PDCA cycles of below (1)and (2) into our annual plan.

  1. (1) Providing training opportunities
  2. (2) Confirmation of performance, reflection and countermeasures

<Setting of Targets>

  • We will strive to support employees' career development by providing appropriate training.
  • Quantitative target: Increase average training hours per employee by 20% by Year 2030 compared to Year 2020.

Dialogue and Consultation with Stakeholders

We will engage in dialogue and consultation with internal and external stakeholders in implementing our human rights policy.


When a negative impact on human rights occurs, or when it becomes clear that we have contributed to a negative impact, we will take remedial measures to correct the negative impact on human rights as appropriate. In addition, as a preventive measure to reduce the risk of human rights violations, we will establish a reporting contact point for suppliers and employees.

Monitoring and Information Disclosure

We will continuously monitor the status of compliance with respect for human rights.

Priority Initiatives

We will focus our efforts on the following items.

  1. Adherence to diversity, equity and inclusiveness (Prohibition of harassment that hinders this)
    We respect diversity and minorities and do not engage in any form of harassment, whether mental or physical. We will not engage in inhumane treatment such as abuse, including corporal punishment.
    <Setting of Targets>
    • We will strive to treat and respect all employees equally and fairly, whether they are temporary, part-time, or full-time workers.
    • Quantitative target: To achieve a target of zero incidents of reported harassment at all Group sites.
  2. Prohibition of forced labor
    Prohibit forced labor and trafficking in persons without the consent of the worker.
  3. Prohibition of child and juvenile labor
    In all corporate activities and business relationships, we do not employ persons under the minimum legal working age. We do not impede children's learning opportunities or infringe on their health and safety.
    <Setting of Targets>
    • No child labor or forced labor will be tolerated at any of the Group's sites.
    • Quantitative target: Maintain zero incidents of child labor or forced labor at all Group sites.
  4. Prohibition of discrimination
    We do not discriminate, exclude, or give preferential treatment to any person because of race, gender, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, creed, social origin, property, sexual orientation, gender identity, health status, disability, labor union membership, or any other attribute or condition unrelated to work.
  5. Employee health and safety
    We will provide a working environment where employees can continue to work in a healthy and safe manner in accordance with laws and regulations.
    <Setting of Targets>
    • We will strive to provide a safe working environment for all employees by conducting semi-annual risk assessments of health and safety issues and reviewing them as appropriate.
    • Quantitative target: 20% reduction in the number of work-related accidents by Year 2030 compared to Year 2020.
  6. Appropriate management of working conditions
    In accordance with laws and regulations, we will properly manage working hours, holidays, and leave, and will not restrict employees from working overtime, working consecutive hours, or taking leave. In addition, we will comply with the legal minimum wage and pay at least the living wage. We will not unfairly reduce wages or unpaid wages.
    <Setting of Targets>
    • We strive to provide good working conditions for all employees by providing reasonable wages and working hours and guaranteeing benefits.
    • Quantitative target: We aim to increase the number of employees covered by health insurance by 20% by Year 2030 compared to Year 2020.
  7. Respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
    We shall respect the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, which are fundamental rights of the company seal. We will not force employees to join or not join labor unions.
    <Setting of Targets>
    • Build constructive relationships with employee representatives.
    • Quantitative target: Hold conversation with employee unions every half year and respond to 100% of the demands/confirmation items expressed by the unions during dialogue.
  8. Provision of safe products and services and sound marketing and advertising activities
    We will ensure the safety of the products and services we provide and will not use discriminatory expressions in our marketing and advertising activities.