
Sustainability Policy


Sustainability Policy

We consider sustainability initiatives to be an important social mission, and promote initiatives that consider the global environment and society in all areas of our corporate activities through our core business. Based on this basic sustainability policy, we will carry out various activities and aim to realize a sustainable future together with society.

Identification of the materiality (important issues) and SDGs

We have identified the materiality to be resolved in terms of our business characteristics and future business strategy. We believe that working to resolve these issues through our core business will lead to the achievement of sustainable growth for our company. In addition, we will conduct business with the conviction that it will achieve the SDGs, which are the goals of society as a whole.

Please see here for the materiality and SDGs.

Policy for Sustainability Initiatives

We hereby declare our basic policy to address the identified materiality.

  1. Pursuit of quality

    We will strive to improve the quality and safety of our products and services in order to meet user expectations and improve customer satisfaction.

  2. Reduction of environmental load

    In consideration of the preservation of the global environment, we will promote initiatives to reduce environmental impact, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, efficiently utilizing natural resources, and minimizing waste.

  3. Respect for Human Rights and Diversity

    We respect the human rights and diversity of all people involved in our business, including employees and business partners, and make efforts to fulfill our social responsibilities.

  4. Ensuring employee health and safety

    Based on the recognition that the health and safety of our employees is of utmost importance, we will enhance the systems required of a company and undertake initiatives such as the maintenance of necessary equipment and fixtures.

  5. Coexistence with Local societies

    Based on the conviction that good relationships with local societies support our business continuity, we will actively develop social contribution activities.

  6. Strengthening corporate governance

    In order to maximize corporate value, we will strive to strengthen corporate governance, including appropriate decision-making by management, highly transparent information disclosure, thorough risk management, and compliance.

Participation in Initiatives

Sustainability Management Structure

From January 2023, we have assigned the role of promoting sustainability to the Headquarters Administration Division as a Sustainability Management Structure for the entire YAMADA Group. The management headquarters receives the strategies decided by the management team, and the policies and guidelines are disseminated from the management headquarters to each department of the head office and production sites that makes up the global network, and instructions and monitoring of on-site operations.

Sustainability Management Structure


Role of Administration departments Regarding Sustainability

  1. Formulation of strategies for the entire YAMADA Group to make solving social issues through business the basis of corporate activities through initiatives for sustainability.
  2. Identification of medium- to long-term sustainability risks and opportunities and materiality.
  3. 3. Formulate policies, guidelines, and operating procedures for sustainability initiatives, and set KPIs and targets for monitoring.
  4. Overseeing the progress of sustainability initiatives and advising on-site.
  5. Report to the Board of Directors business strategies related to sustainability that should be deliberated by the Board of Directors.
  6. Report to the Board of Directors on the status of sustainability initiatives.

Stakeholder communication

We will redefine our stakeholders for our business and strive to communicate with each stakeholder regarding sustainability based on the following policy.

Stakeholder Method Timing Agenda
Customers Call centers
Commercial activities
Trade shows and other events
  • Resolving customer issues
  • Improve products/service quality
Supplier Sustainable procurement briefing
CSR Self-assessment
Audit/improvement activities
  • Enhancing the value provided throughout the supply chain through collaboration
Supplier hotline Always
Employees General Meeting Annually
  • Sharing of business strategy
  • Career development that respects diversity and creation of innovation through teamwork
  • Ensuring health and safety
1 on 1 meetings between superiors half period
Regular meetings with trade unions
Health and Safety Committee
Company newsletter
Whistle-blowing system Always
Communities Activities contributing to local communities
  • Social contribution activities through business
  • Dialogue to Solve Social Issues